The Hand-Off

The end of week three is approaching. My replacement boat operator, Jill, has spent the past week at the Rock, scraping and painting and scraping and painting, along with Jeff and Scott. This was Scotts second week as crew leader. Reports are that he keeps everyone working hard, as evidenced by the fact that all objectives for each week were met, and the teams still had almost two full days to enjoy Barnum Island. Crew Leader Scott, Cameraman Jeff, and Boat Captain Jill Jill is also a veteran, working her fifth year at the lighthouse, but also as the boat operator that originally brought the Rock Hopper out for its first season on the Island. She’s going to do the same this year, but in reverse - bringing it back to Grand Portage at the conclusion of next week. However, this will be her first time ferrying volunteers out to the lighthouse. Hopefully this relatively calm weather holds. It’s obvious she has experience working in the field on environmental projects for the EPA, so...